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  • Writer's pictureTegan Beth

How to Unblock your 7 Chakras

"Chakras are pools of spiraling energy in our bodies” -Aang"


“Before you can bring balance to the world you need to bring balance to yourself."

-Guru Pathik


Understanding the chakras, and the emotions involved with each of them, helped Aang unlock access and control over his avatar state. Aang had to bring balance to himself before he could bring balance to the world. By learning how to unblock our chakras we are better equipped to live life more fully and have control over our own “avatar states” and bring balance to ourselves. In this post we will learn how to control and unblock our own energies in each of the chakras. The quotes in this post are all from Guru Pathik and Aang in Book 2, Episode 19 “The Guru.”

The chakras begin at the spine and move up the body, each connected to a different emotion. Through this post you will learn the steps for how to unblock the energy spiraling through your chakras. To do this Guru Pathik instructed Aang that each must be unblocked in a specific order. We will go through how to unblock them in the order of the chakras going up the body, starting at the spine and going up to the brain.

1)Earth Chakra

“Deals with survival and is blocked by fear” -Guru Pathik

How to unblock the earth chakra? Accept that you have fears and that you will have to face those eventually. It does not mean that you must overcome them, but you will face them, this will unblock your earth chakra and help you with survival.

2)Water Chakra

“Deals with pleasure, and is blocked by guilt" -Guru Pathik

How to unblock the water chakra? Understand that you will make mistakes and take responsibility for them, but get rid of the guilt that you have entangled with your mistakes. This will unblock the energy in your water chakra and give you a life you can enjoy.

3) Fire Chakra

“Deals with will power and is blocked by shame" -Guru Pathik

How to unblock the fire chakra? By knowing that you have shame for past decisions however you can not deny yourself part of your life because of the shame it has caused you in the past. This will unblock your fire chakra and lead you toward a life with power over your emotions.

4) Heart Chakra

“Deals with love, and is blocked by grief" -Guru Pathik

How to unblock the heart chakra? By looking back at when you have hurt those you loved and deciding that you will not make the same mistakes again. By unblocking the heart chakra we are able to live a life filled with love.

5) Sound Chakra

“Deals with truth, and is blocked by lies”-Guru Pathik

How to unblock the sound chakra? By telling the truth, even with lies told in the past. By unblocking this chakra we are able to live a life with trust for others and ourselves.

6) Light Chakra

“Deals with insight and is blocked by illusion"- Guru Pathik

How to unblock the light chakra? Understand that “The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same.” By knowing this we can live a life more fully integrated with others.

7) Thought Chakra

“Deals with pure cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachment" - Guru Pathik

The last chakra is the hardest to unblock, you must let go of your earthly attachments. This is the one Aang failed to unblock thus locking access to his avatar state. If we can learn to let our attachments go we can live with a broader perspective then just this moment.


By learning how to unblock our chakras we are able to live our lives with power and love, with insight and truth, and without attachment to insignificant things of this world. Now that you know how to unblock them, continue in your life to keep them unblocked.

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