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  • Writer's pictureTegan Beth

The 4 Original Element Benders

“Draw your firebending from a different source. I recommend the original source”- Toph (Book 3, Episode 13, The Firebending Masters)


Each element has an original bender, ones who taught the first human benders. Each of the original benders were animals and naturally used the elements to their advantage to help their lives be easier.

1)Water- The Moon and Ocean Spirits

“Tui and La, your Moon and Ocean, have always circled each other in an eternal dance. They balance each other. Push and pull. Life and death. Good and evil. Yin and Yang.”-Koh (Book 1, Episode 19, The Siege of the North)

The Moon and Ocean spirits were the first to bend water. They push and pull together to create balance and harmony in the world. They granted the bending to the water tribe to aid them in building their lives. In doing so they moved from the spirit world to the mortal world. They were the original water benders.

2) Earth-The Badgermoles

For them, the original earthbenders, it wasn't just about fighting. It was their way of interacting with the world.” Toph, Book 3, Episode 13, The Firebending Masters

The badgermoles are blind and live in the ground. They use their earthbending as “an extension of their senses.” When Toph ran away from home she found the badgermoles and was taught a new way to see the world. The badgermoles taught the first earth benders and are the original benders.

3) Fire- The Dragons

“I want to learn the true way, the original way {of firebending}.” -Zuko, (Book 3, Episode 13, The Firebending Masters)

The Dragons were the original firebenders, thought to be wiped out during the 100 year war by Zuko’s ancestry. However, during Zuko and Aang’s life changing field trip they found the last two living. They were able to learn that the original way of firebending was through finding a true purpose and working towards that goal. The dragons were the original benders.

4) Air- The Sky Bison’s

“The original airbenders were the sky bison.Maybe you can give me a lesson sometime, buddy.”- Aang (Book 3, Episode 13, The Firebending Masters)

The original air benders were the sky bison. They used bending to travel and to make their lives, and the lives of their owners easier. The air nomads cared for and befriended the bisons, so much so that every nomad as a child was able to bond with and learn from.


Each element began with an original source, the original benders. These benders still teach us about the elements and their uses.

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